A Clean Neighborhood Can Boost Your Mood— Here’s How!

Find out what you can do to bring joy to your community!

Woman smiling while standing outdoors
Photo by Jorge Fakhouri Filho

Your environment can significantly impact your mood. Research has shown that having a clean neighborhood can improve residents’ physical and mental health, boost property values, attract businesses, reduce gun violence, improve residents’ neighborhood engagement, and foster a stronger sense of community. 

Always passionate about fostering community-driven solutions, Morgan Berman founded Glitter— an affordable service in Philadelphia that keeps litter and trash off streets, sidewalks, and storm drains. 

Glitter Clean Up Company
Photo courtesy of shareglitter.com

“Clean surroundings naturally elevate the quality of life. This allows residents to focus on relaxation and enjoyment in their community spaces,” Berman shares with BrownStyle Magazine exclusively. “We’re providing a sustainable and effective approach to solving long-standing urban issues like litter while providing living wage work for cleaners experiencing employment barriers.”

What started as a small-scale initiative has blossomed into a citywide operation with a dedicated team of Glitter cleaners maintaining hundreds of blocks each week. Since its launch in Summer 2021, the company has successfully gained the attention of many residents and local businesses who want better for their communities. 

The organization’s “pay-what-you-can” model has successfully opened the doors for neighbors to come together and fund weekly cleanings for their block. 

Clean Neighborhood + Happy Community = Soft Life

Having a clean neighborhood plays a big role in living a soft life. Not only does it boost morale, but it also strengthens pride in the community. 

As a clean neighborhood advocate, Berman agrees. She notes, “Living a soft life is all about creating environments that foster peace, comfort, and enjoyment. A clean neighborhood is fundamental to this life. I have a boost of happy hormones when I see my yard, street, and neighborhood clean and tidy. It reduces visual clutter and health hazards, making everyday life more pleasant and stress-free.”

According to the founder, actively participating in cleaning up your neighborhood can not only give you a sense of pride but can also leave you feeling empowered.

“Cleaning up your neighborhood can significantly improve your mood,” she adds with enthusiasm. “It provides a sense of control over your immediate environment and offers a tangible way to contribute positively to your community.”

Berman notes it can also foster social interactions and build a sense of camaraderie among neighbors. “It enhances emotional well-being and instills a proud, communal spirit that celebrates shared efforts and achievements,” she adds.

Let’s Clean Up Together

Below are Morgan Berman’s tips for keeping the neighborhood clean together as a community.

  • Organize Cleanups With Volunteers: At BrownStyle Magazine, we challenge you to advocate for a happy and healthier environment by organizing a community cleanup. Berman suggests coordinating a day with your block caption for neighbors to participate in cleanup efforts. 
  • Hire An Organization To Clean Your Neighborhood: If you have a busy schedule, consider enlisting the help of an organization like Glitter to keep your block’s cleanliness. “The contribution each neighbor makes to the cost is ‘pay what you can’ so it can fit into your community’s budget. Collectively, you and your neighbors can make a permanent difference,” Berman explains.
  • Encourage Local Businesses To Get Involved: Some areas in your neighborhood may need more attention than others. To help keep the community safe and happy, Berman suggests encouraging local businesses to sponsor cleanups for specific areas that need some extra TLC. 
  • Lobby For Municipal Change: According to Berman, demanding better from our government is key to reducing litter. This can include advocating for better recycling programs and containerized trash storage, allowing small haulers to bring in small amounts of construction and demolition materials for recycling, and putting a stop to illegal dumping through prosecution.

To find out more about Glitter and how you can get involved, including sponsoring your block to be cleaned, visit our website at shareglitter.com

Editor’s Note: This story has been edited and condensed for clarity.

Tweety Elitou is not new to the publishing world. Nurtured by parents who are authors and publishers, the Philadelphia native began her career as a fashion writer at the age of 13. As the former Sr. Lifestyle Editor of BET, Tweety was a key player in expanding the audience and reshaping the lifestyle vertical on the brand’s website. After working for notable media brands, the editor took some time off to enjoy the peace and pleasure of self-care and soft living. It was during this period that BrownStyle Magazine was created.