Being Single This Holiday Season Isn’t So Bad—Trust Us!

There are plenty of reasons why being single during the holidays is a mood.

Drawing of woman enjoying the holiday season

‘Love Notes by Chi’ is BrownStyle Magazine‘s new column—curated by professional matchmaker Chi Love— that brings you insightful tips, trendy discussions, and answers your biggest questions about love, dating, and relationships.

Hey, Sis! How are you this holiday season?

I know you are currently being bombarded with holiday romance movies and advertisements everywhere you turn, but I’m here to send you love and help you not become overwhelmed by the sense of FOMO that can come from constantly seeing love, romance, and happy couples promoted on the daily. 

You may also have your family members in your ear, asking when you’re going to get married or have kids. Don’t let it stress you. There are plenty of reasons why being single during the holiday season isn’t so bad. Need convincing? Here’s the top three reasons it’s perfectly fine to be solo during the holidays…

#1: There’s no better time than now to treat yourself. 

I strongly believe in getting a gift for yourself during the holiday season. Remind yourself that you are worthy of good things, even if you’re alone. Consider buying yourself an outfit that makes you feel like you are on top of the world. This can be a blazer, a dress, a suit, or even that purse you’ve been eyeing for months. Remember, the best relationship you’ll ever have is the one you have with yourself. 

#2: You’ll have a headstart on your new year goals.

The holidays are always the perfect time to reflect. The amount of money you’ll save drinking hot chocolate and minding your business is a huge WIN—trust me. 

Let this be a season of giving to SELF. Make resolutions for YOU. Focus on daily affirmations (like those found in BrownStyle Magazine‘s morning newsletter) that will inspire you and bring you into the New Year on a positive note. 

During this time of the year, remind yourself of how far you’ve come and all that you accomplished. Celebrate your wins. You are worth the praise, and it’s times like this that you may need the extra reminder. 

Drawing of woman journaling the holidays

#3: There are so many single events going on during the holidays. 

Want to mix and mingle? You’re in luck. As a professional matchmaker, I can tell you that now is a great time for you to get out there and meet someone new. 

During this time of year, a lot of people are traveling from out of town to visit family and friends, so there’s always more of an opportunity to meet someone new and see if the sparks fly at holiday parties and events.

Happy Holidays to all the single women out there. May your light shine ever so brightly this season!

Chi Love is the CEO and founder of N.Y.A. Love and Dating Services. Affectionately known as the The Love Genie, the Professional Matchmaker and Dating Specialist enjoys working with singles from all over the US to find their true love.