My Word Of The Year Is ‘Discipline’— Here’s How I Plan To Navigate 2025…

No fancy New Year’s resolution, just a word and theme...

Vanessa Simmons works out outdoors in LA
Photos courtesy of Vanessa Simmons | Photographer Credit: Marcus Fort
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Journey to U4ia (euphoria) is BrownStyle Magazine’s new column written by Vanessa Simmons. In this candid and inspirational series, the mom and multi-hyphenate entertainer shares her journey to wellness and mindful living.

Happy New Year, BrownStyle Fam! I had a completely different entry prepared for this month, but 2025 came in swiftly. Before I could even get in a proper Happy New Year to all of the people within my circle, Los Angeles was rocked with wildfires like the city had never seen before. 

My heart breaks for those who have been affected. Los Angeles is the city I have called home for nearly 17 years. It’s where I started my family and raised my daughter. It’s also the city that’s made my dreams come true. Los Angeles means a lot to me, and these fires have been devastating to watch unfold with so much damage and loss.

New Year, New Intentions

With things hitting so close to home, I found myself in an endless doomscroll on social media, frantically searching for updates. Despite it being only January, I found myself needing a mental reset. To help protect my peace, I embarked on a digital detox.

Let me be clear: it is important to stay aware of your surroundings and current world events, but it is equally important to take a step back and be intentional with how you consume social media. 

There’s so much to be entertained, educated, and enticed by, but what is empowering your soul? It’s a question we should ask ourselves because the answer is unique to each of us. 

Vanessa Simmons Outside In LA
Photo courtesy of Vanessa Simmons | Photographer Credit: Marcus Fort

Benefits Of A Digital Detox

If I’m being honest and transparent, I’ve never committed to an extended digital detox. I have taken breaks for a few days or limited my time on apps, but I’ve never made a true effort to power down on social media and technology. 

In doing research, I found that a digital detox has many benefits for your mental health, including reducing stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms. It can improve physical health by reducing eye strain, dry eyes, and blurry vision. 

I also learned that a digital detox could improve your quality of sleep. Did you know that the blue light emanating from your phone affects the quality of your sleep? I knew that blue light was damaging in many ways, but I was unaware that sleep quality was on the line. 

Through my experience, I also found that taking a digital break helps with your productivity. It gives you more time to focus on things you need to get done. 

Vanessa Simmons Outside In LA
Photo courtesy of Vanessa Simmons | Photographer Credit: Marcus Fort

Living In The Now

This year, I promised to revisit my daily routine to mirror exactly who I envision my best self to be. It’s all about self-concept. 

I love that taking a digital break gives you more time to be present and pay attention to your relationships and life’s other gifts. Being in the “now” brings social connection, clearer decision-making, and a greater appreciation of life. It also helps you truly count your blessings— both big and small.

With all of these vital benefits, who wouldn’t want to take this challenge on? I was all in, and the name of the game was DISCIPLINE, my word for 2025. 

Vanessa Simmons Outside In LA
Photo courtesy of Vanessa Simmons | Photographer Credit: Marcus Fort

Tips To Help You Digital Detox

In my research, I came across some advice from author and psychotherapist Nancy Colier, who wrote an incredible book titled, ‘Power Off: The Mindful Way To Stay Sane In A Virtual World’ (Buy On Amazon).

Interested in taking the digital detox with me? Check out some of the great tips Colier suggests trying before starting on your digital detox journey. 

✨ Create a log for a full week and track the use of all devices/apps you spend the most time on. This will help you know your specific needs and make it easier to map out your game plan. 

 Find a digital detox partner. Having an accountability partner— whether it’s a friend or family member — is great for staying on track with your detox goals.

Know your goals. Identify up to 5 core negative consequences of technology and 5 positive outcomes you hope to experience from your digital cleanse. 

Buy a new journal. Personally, my favorite thing to do is morning pages, a daily stream-of-consciousness writing exercise that involves writing without any predetermined structure or plan. It’s great for your mindset and getting rid of the junk roaming around in your head. It helps transform your way of thinking and is the perfect accessory for a digital detox.

Choose the length of your detox and make a solid plan to keep yourself on track. Remind yourself why you are doing it and get to work!

My overall goal this year is to instill even more commitment toward the goals I’ve set for myself— both professionally and personally. No fancy New Year’s resolution, just a word and theme: DISCIPLINE. 

It goes hand in hand with taking a much-needed media/technology break, and I’m looking forward to unplugging throughout the year and digging deeper into my purpose without distraction. 

I’ll end this column with a question for you: What’s the theme or word that fits your 2025 goals? Write it down and move towards it.

Wishing you all an amazing new year and a soulful, soft life!

RELATED | How To Shift Your Mindset To Grow And Thrive In 2025

Vanessa Simmons is an actress, TV personality, and above all, a mother. Working in the entertainment industry from a young age shaped Vanessa’s love (and need) for wellness. Her journey ultimately inspired her to launch U4ia — a wellness platform + community that empowers people to lean into mindful living and places with emphasis on the mind, body, and soul.